Sunday, 7 February 2010


Now I have surveyed the cross sections I was targeting I can now identify who would be the "principle" target audience.
My target audience is the 20 - 50s. I know this is a big age range but it definitely could appeal to a more mature audience. The people that 'Doctor Death' would appeal to are those who would like to watch a film several times over and who like a films that make them think an which reveal more as they repeat viewing.  They also like the plot to take its time to develop with a more complex storyline. My target audience would be from the socio-economic groups of C2 and above.
My target audience would most probably want to buy the DVD instead of downloading illegally unlike a lower age target audience might.

I will address the needs and desires of my audience by producing a film that has attention to detail and a complex storyline. I will add in details early on which get answered later on in the film which will keep them engaged for the duration of the film. Details such as "why does the doctor use his medicine on himself?" and "why are there lots of signatures written on that paper?"

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