Fireflies - Owl City (Dir.Steve Hoover).
This music video is a mixture of performance and concept. It does conform to Goodwin's six in a variety of ways. Such as "the link between lyrics and visuals", In this case it amplifies what it the song says by showing the certain item mentioned in the lyrics. For example "disco ball hanging by a thread" (1:25).
There is not much of a narrative as its mainly a performance music video. I would say this would be its only downfall as it can get a bit old. However it is really well constructed. It has lots of fast cuts and a wide range of different framing's and angles to keep the same room interesting for 3 + minuets. This is something I should really learn for my music video.
The concept which I really like from this video is the idea of all the toys which come alive. This would really fit in well with my last idea on an older blog post.
I would say its a very succesful music video in the way that it can capture an audience easily. The youtube hit rates only proves that; 18,000,000 + views.
shows that a very simple idea, well executed can be very effective