I am going to re-film this section as I quite stupidly changed the lighting...
Anyway I will show you what I have got so far and how I did it.
I have the character sitting on the bed, he then opens up the sheets and travels through his bed but doesn't come out the other side.
For this I had to keep the camera in the same place when I filmed from this angle to make sure it worked.
First of all I filmed the character climbing through the bed.
For this I had to take off my mattress, unscrew a few panels and stuff the bed frame to replicate the mattress. I then placed a cheap bed sheet over the top and cut a slit in it so that my actor could slip through.
Once I had filmed my actor climbing through the bed I simply filmed the bed and nothing happening.
So in post the first video layer was that of my actor climbing through the bed. Then I layered the second video of nothing happening on top. I cropped this video from the top only showing the bottom half of the bed.
This then created the effect of my actor slipping through his bed in to nowhere.If you watch you can see a clear line across clearly showing that its shot at different times...This is due to me changing the lighting.
Here is what I have so far:
(The aspect ratio is a tad strange and its only 38 secs long)
this is brilliant - love the 'work in progress' style presentation of this. maybe include a line about why you are re-shooting, what you are not happy with, how you will improve it etc to demonstrate your level of perfectionism...