Sunday, 12 December 2010

Set Design + Prop Design

The Time Machine.
The Time Machine is my characters way of escaping his problems of being love sick. He can travel in and around time but I like the idea that he can't properly use this "hi-tech" piece of time travel equipment.
I designed it to have lots of different buttons, lights and faders. Considering the music is electronic and has lots of synthesized sounds I thought it would be appropriate to use real music equipment. An example of this is a sound mixing desk which will act as the control panel. In addition to this I have a small toy keyboard which I might incorporate.

Here is what I have so far:
I started with lots of scrap cardboard and bits and pieces.
 This is the time machine in its current state. I like the lampshade, it gives it the homely feel. Almost Wallace and Gromit like.
 As you can see it has flashing L.E.Ds along the front of it, This has a really good effect with the tin foil.
I also had the luck of a friend having a backwards clock!
 I have made it all from scrap cardboard and Tesco Value tin foil. All the items used in this time machine have been borrowed or found by rummaging through the church I am filming at.
The feather duster launches it through time and space. (AKA the throttle)
The guitar pedal is the foot pedal, not sure what it does yet, but maybe it could be in conjunction with the music?

As you can see the time machine is not complete due to lack of colour. The room is completely white and the tinfoil just reflects the colour. Below are two other pieces which I will add to it:

THE FLUX CAPACITOR!! - Thought this would be an interesting piece of inter-textual referencing.
At the moment its just a box with tin foil...I am going to get 3 blue glow sticks and fix them in the Y position. Hopefully this will make the time travel possible :)

This here is the Bubble Dynamo Vim (BDV) - Basically it will bubble when time travel starts. It builds up energy and releases it at an incredible speed launching the time machine and the operator in to worm hole's to eventually end in the destination. 
Its a bit like fuel it runs out.

I decided to make this as I wanted more movement on my time machine and I also wanted more colour. It has a fun effect which I really like.

I also covered up the window in the back ground by using a huge sheet of white paper just so that it made the room bigger and didn't retract form the time machine. I think it works well as you can't tell by looking on the camera it isn't a wall.

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